
Thoughts for you and your life

Faith and Life

Apple and Bricks



Faith? I remember an old lady from the neighbourhood who used to peel apples for us children and tell us stories. And she practised mental arithmetic with us... She impressed us with her unshakeable trust in God - even though she had to experience terrible things.


We were also always impressed by the courage and ideals of the generations before us who built our wonderful brick churches. Men and women who, trusting in God, went beyond their limits: they knew that they would never complete the building because it would take several generations.


Today, we are faced with the challenge of preserving these stone testimonies to the faith and trust of our predecessors. This is also a generational task. We are facing up to the task because we cannot do without these places. A city needs cathedral stops where everyone can find what they need to live.


And you can help too:


Pastor Robert Pfeifer